Car Accidents in Kitchener and Waterloo: Where to go for Affordable Used Auto Parts for Replacement

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Car accidents in Kitchener and Waterloo are dangerous—but they’re also costly. From a raise in insurance premiums to paying to repair your car for damages that your insurance company won’t cover to potential lawsuits from the other driver, car accidents can cost tens of thousands of dollars in damage.

While we can’t help with lawsuits we CAN help you with the cost of your repairs, and possibly your insurance premiums if you decide to fix the car yourself instead of making a claim since the raise in insurance premiums may cost more over the long run than fixing small damages yourself. How do we do this? By selling you high-quality guaranteed used auto parts at a fraction of the cost of buying them new.

Car Accidents in Kitchener and Waterloo: Where to go for Affordable Used Auto Parts

If the thought of avoiding an insurance claim and fixing your car with affordably-priced used auto parts sounds like a tempting idea—then you need Logel’s.

Here at Logel’s we not only offer used auto parts, but we can also help you out by looking up the exact part you need based on the make and model of your car. This takes the guesswork and research out of buying car parts—and at least one task off your plate, leaving you free to deal with other issues related to your car accident.

Our 10,000-square-foot warehouse is home to over 100,000 auto parts, which means there is a good chance that we have your item in stock and can offer same-day, over-the-counter service.

Why Choose Logel’s

One of the reasons Logel’s should be your go-to source for used auto parts after car accidents in Kitchener and Waterloo is because we can get you the part you need—fast, and cheap.

The other reason is our experience and our staff. After a car accident your nerves are frazzled, your schedule is full of important things to do (a list slowed down by having an injured car) and you need your car repaired quickly. Luckily these are all the things that we excel at—service and  getting you the part you need quickly and effortlessly.

So—if you’ve experienced a car accident in the Kitchener and Waterloo area, give us a call here at Logel’s and find out how we can help, and just how much money we can save you on parts.

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