3 Things You Didn’t Know Could be Recycled

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Canadians are a trashy bunch-just not in the way you might think. We are still very polite, upstanding people, but our record level of garbage production per capita stinks. According to the Conference Board of Canada, we produce more garbage than any other country on earth.

As landfills fill up, we will have to increase our recycling efforts. Reducing our personal garbage production will have to become a priority. We can start by looking at these household items that normally would be sent to the dump and re-routing them to be recycled instead.

Things You Didn’t Know Could be Recycled

  1. Athletic Shoes

Are you looking for an alternative to simply throwing out your worn out shoes? Rather than having them go out in the garbage, you can donate them to the Nike Reuse a Shoe program. Since 1990, the company has taken donated footwear, ground it down and used it to make a material called Nike Grind. It is used to make surfaces such as turf fields, tracks, and courts.

Nike has taken 28 million pairs of shoes and 26,000 tons of scrap metal and transformed them into material which is being used in more than 450,000 locations worldwide. Nike Grind products cover about 632,000,000 square feet, which is almost enough to cover the island of Manhattan – a distance of 23 square miles!

  1. Crayons

Do you have unwanted crayons from a visit to a restaurant or a kids’ program that you don’t know what to do with? Don’t throw them out – the National Crayon Recycle Program will take them off your hands and keep them from going into a landfill. All you need to do is package up your contribution and send them off. No need to remove the wrappers at all.

  1. Apple iPod

If you have an old Apple iPod that you are interested in disposing of, simply take it to your local apple Retail Store. Not only will the fine folks there look after recycling it for you, but they will also give you a 10 percent discount on the purchase of a new iPod.

Every little bit helps when it comes to recycling. You may not think that the choices you make in disposing of these household items matter, but they really do. Make an environmentally-responsible choice and buy used auto parts for your next vehicle repair. We have thousands of quality ones to choose from. Simply give us a call or check out our online store to find out more.

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