Why Winter Tires Are Better Than All-Seasons

 In Rims & Tires, Used Auto Parts, Used Tires

Do you use winter tires on your car, in addition to all season tires?

If you don’t switch between sets of tires in the fall and the spring, then you are missing out on a range of benefits — and you may be driving in unsafe conditions. There are a number of excellent reasons why winter tires are better than all-seasons for winter driving. In this article, we’ll go through some of the top benefits of winter tires.

Winter Tire Design

One of the top reasons that winter tires are better than all season tires is their design. Winter tires are designed specifically for road conditions that include snow, slush, or ice.

These tires feature v-shaped grooves in their tread pattern. These grooves will help pull the slush from under the tires and push it away on either side. Too much slush can cause your vehicle to skid, slip, or spin on the road — and winter tires will reduce that possibility, in order to keep you and your passengers safe.

Winter tires are also built to a different size than all-season tires. While all-seasons are usually 215mm wide, winter tires are typically between 195 – 205mm wide. The smaller width increases the pressure on the surface beneath the tire, which also helps to move material to the side and ensure that your car remains in control.

Winter tires are important for maintaining control in winter weather, but that’s not the only reason to use them!

Weather Appropriate Material

Another great reason to use winter tires, instead of all-season tires, is temperature. If you live in an area where the winter temperatures will drop below 7C or 45F, you will need winter tires.

The material used for all-season tires is not built for cold, sub-zero weather. In these conditions, all-season tires will harden and change consistency, which makes it difficult for your vehicle to maintain traction on the surface of the road.

By contrast, winter tires are made from a special material that will retain its rubbery consistency, even in the cold of the Canadian winter.

Auto Insurance Rebates

Many people don’t realize that auto insurance rebates are available if you use winter tires. Most insurance providers in Ontario offer discounts of up to 5% for vehicles with winter tires.

When you install winter tires, new or used, on your vehicle, simply contact your insurance provider to find out what you’re entitled to save. Over the course of 4 or 5 seasons, your savings on your insurance premiums will cover a significant portion of the cost of your winter tires.

Tire Lifespan

Did you know that by rotating your tires each season they’ll last longer?

Both winter tires and all-season tires will wear less and can be used for more seasons, if they are changed at appropriate times of the year. Switching tires will mean your tires will be driven less frequently and will be used in the right conditions, which will reduce the wear on them.

As a result, using winter tires is a simple way to increase the longevity and the lifespan of both sets of tires on your vehicle.

To buy a new or used set of winter tires for your vehicle today, contact the team at Logel’s today.

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